Nanjing Normal University, KOMABA Lab, Algae identification project,The application of computer vision in algae image recognition of water samples in Taihu Lake was studied
奖励名称|Award Name: 高教杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛 江苏省二等奖 The second prize of Jiangsu Province in the National College Students Mathematical Contest in Modeling
获得时间|Date: 2023-08-06
级别|Level: 校级 | Unversity level
奖励名称|Award Name: 南师大计算机学院网络安全竞赛技能暑期提升班竞赛三等奖 The third prize of the Network Security Competition Skills Summer Improvement Class Competition of School of Computer Science, Nannormal University
蓝桥杯全国软件和信息技术专业人才大赛 软件赛C++组 江苏省二等奖
获得时间|Date: 2023-04-30
级别|Level: 省级 | Provincial level
奖励名称|Award Name: 蓝桥杯全国软件和信息技术专业人才大赛 软件赛C++组 江苏省二等奖 Blue Bridge Cup National Software and Information Technology Professionals Competition Software Competition C++ group Jiangsu Province second prize
获得时间|Date: 2023-03-28
级别|Level: 校级 | Unversity level
奖励名称|Award Name: 南京师范大学优秀学生奖学金(2022-2023学年)Nanjing Normal University Outstanding Student Scholarship (2022-2023 academic year)
获得时间|Date: 2022-10-31
奖励名称|Award Name: 全国大学生算法设计与编程挑战赛(秋季赛)优秀奖
个人陈述|Personal Statement
2024南京江宁大学城半程马拉松 02:34:36
全国中学生生物学竞赛 国一 省一 江苏省第13名
获得时间|Date: 2021-07-18
级别|Level: 国家级 | National level
奖励名称|Award Name: 全国中学生生物学竞赛 国家一等奖 江苏省一等奖 江苏省第13名|
Please briefly describe your academic training, research experience and future plan in ~1500 words.The personal statement should be completed by the applicant independently.